1. Register as a participating Church at
www.thedayofsalvation.ca and you will receive a welcome letter with access to the promotional package. Format the promo material templates for your church.
2. Start sharing the Promo Video and Day of Salvation slides with your church.
3. Ask your church to start praying for the people they will be inviting.
4. Start inviting friends and family.
5. Select two people who will count all the hands that go up for salvation and decide who will be responsible to submit the counts.
6. Make sure your message, including altar call, is under 25 minutes and includes: the cross, turning from sin to Jesus, being forgiven, receiving Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, and an altar call.
7. Ask your church, during service, to go to the church facebook page and share your church's live feed or put up a slide to prompt them to share the live feed now.
8. Have people monitoring the live feed, responding to every comment, collecting information on salvations and sending a followup package to every new believer online.
9. Be ready to put up the QR code slide with the New Believers package so new believers can download the
Now That You Are Saved booklet and the
YouVersion Bible App. 10. Promote the Day of Baptism, inviting all those who just got saved and any others to join us in a week for Baptism Sunday. Give a brief, three sentence description about baptism.
11. Submit your soul count to United Hive and Gospel FireFor all Nations by text. 306-575-8870